Hello everyone! My name is Ichigo, and I'm here to help with pre-made layouts ~ nya! Kitsune-san says that you have to follow all the rules of NPAGS to use these layouts. Kitsune-san says to make sure you upload ALL parts of the layout to your server. You also have to keep the link at the bottom that says: Layout by: NPAGS. Other than that, have fun with them! ^__^ Kitsune-san says that is you have any trouble figuring out a layout, you can e-mail her or Tora-san! ~ Nya!

Cardcaptor Sakura

Sakura Clouds Name: Sakura Clouds
Features: Sakura
Includes: Tables, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatar,
Enter page banner

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By: Kitsune

Reunited Name: Reunited
Features: Syaron [Li] and Sakura
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars,

*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune

Sailor Moon

Beautiful Maiden Name: Beautiful Maiden
Features: Usagi, Chibi Usa,
Includes: Tables, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatar

*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune

Moon Rainbow Heartache Name: Moon Rainbow Heartache
Features: Super Sailor Moon
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars,

*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune


Full Moon Name:Full Moon
Features: Sesshomaru
Includes: Tables, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatar

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By: Kitsune

Cherry Blossom Dreams Name: Cherry Blossom Dreams
Features: Inuyasha and Kagome
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars, banner,
Enter Page

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By: Kitsune

Boogiepop Phantom

Boogiepop Name: Boogiepop
Features: Boogiepop Phantom
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars, banner

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By: Kitsune

Tsubasa:Reservoir Chronicles

Green Grass Name: Green Grass
Features: Sakura and Syaron
(Tsubasa forms)
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars,
enter banner

*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune

Phoenix Wright

Three Women Name: PW: Three Women
Features: April May, Mia Fey, Maya Fey
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars
*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune

Magic Knight Rayearth

Magic Knight Fuu Name: Magic Knight Fuu
Features: Fuu
Includes: Div Layers, iframe, CSS
Extras: Matching avatars, banner
*Preview* *Download*

By: Kitsune